Frank Dijkstra Arbo en milieu
- Basistraining OR
- Communicatie
- Financiën
- Internationale medezeggenschap
- Juridisch advies
Als coach van uw ondernemingsraad help ik u om met succes verbindingen te maken. Verbinding tussen de ondernemingsraad en de bestuurder, tussen de werkvloer en de leiding, tussen de organisatie en de wereld buiten en ook tussen de leden van de ondernemingsraad onderling.
Naast alle bekende thema’s als de Wet op de Ondernemingsraden, Arbeidsomstandigheden, communicatie met de achterban, onderhandelingsvaardigheden e.d. zijn mijn specialiteiten:
De proactieve OR
Niet meer beginnen met vragen stellen, maar beginnen de eigen visie van de OR te formuleren op een beleidsthema dat aan de orde is. Daarbij gebruik maken van de kennis en de inzichten die de OR-leden en hun achterban hebben doordat ze dagelijks in het bedrijf en met de klanten werken. Daarbij maken wij gebruik van de Navigator Werkmethode voor Ondernemingsraden. Deze methode is ontwikkeld in opdracht van het Ministerie van Sociale Zaken en Werkgelegenheid.
International Companies
In accordance with the Dutch Works Councils Act, the board of directors has an obligation to consult the Works Council on critical matters and to consider their advice carefully when taking decisions. In order for a company to function successfully in the Netherlands, the Works Council has therefore an important role to play.
Many members of Works Councils have no previous experience in this area and are unfamiliar with the unique Dutch environment and legislation. You may be looking for a course to get you up to speed quickly and successfully, in which you gain insight into:
– the main topics of the Dutch Works Councils Act,
– your legal rights and obligations,
– the main aspects of how a Works Council functions
successfully in practice,
– in your team: how to build on each other’s strengths in the
best possible way.
We offer you such training and OR-coaching, provided in English.
Possible Works Council course topics
– The Dutch Works Councils Act: rights and duties of the WC
– Purpose and resources of the WC
– Regulations of the WC
– Strategy of the WC
– How successfully to go about your work as a WC
– Teambuilding
– How to communicate successfully to your stakeholders
(employees and clients)
– Written communication (also via intranet and social media)
– Successful and resolute meetings of the WC
– Negotiating skills (with actor, playing the role of director)
– Personal power
– Strategic policy of the company
– Analysis of the company
– Finance policy
– Social policy
– Cooperation with a trade union
I am also available to assist in consultations with the board of directors and to help you negotiate in specific situations.